no one can stop that tremendous love reaching you

Fly in the air, 
Write in the sky, 
My love letter, 
My dear heart, 
Write it in the sky...

Choose the dark clouds while writing, 
As my heart it too pure for her, 
She would see the letters however far she is...

If you can't see her, 
Throw few letters on the land, 
The moment they blossom that is where she is...

Send the fragrance ambassador, 
May be he can conveince her to look at you, 
Do something to get her attention....

If nothing is working, 
Just stay there, 
Wait for her, 
She will come for sure someday and read it aloud, 
No one can stop those thunder storms, 
No one can stop that tremendous love reaching you...

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ఏ నిదురలో దాచాలో

కలలు ఎక్కువయ్యి ఏ నిదురలో దాచాలో తెలియకుంది, కాస్త చోటు ఇస్తావా నాతో నీ నిదురని పంచుకుంటావా... ❤️