అందపు విత్తనం

నీ ఒక్కొక్క అంగుళంలోని అందానికి విత్తనం ఉంటే చెప్పు, ఆ విత్తనాలన్నీ నేను తీసుకొని ఒక తోటను పెంచి, ఆ తోటలోనే నివసిస్తాను...

உன் அழகின் ஒவ்வொரு அங்குலத்துக்கும் ஒரு விதை இருக்கிறதா சொல்லு, அந்த விதைகளையெல்லாம் எடுத்துக்கொண்டு தோட்டம் வளர்த்து அந்த தோட்டத்தில் வாழ்வேன்...

मुझे बताओ कि क्या तुम्हारी हर सुंदरता के लिए एक बीज है, मैं उन सभी बीजों को लेकर एक बगीचा उगाऊंगा और उस बगीचे में रहूंगा...

let me know if every inch of beauty you possess has seed, I will buy them all and grow a garden and live in that forever...


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When I paint the walls of my future, I would use the colors of your memories. Each brushstroke would be made from the strands of our shared ...