ఎన్నో రకాల పండ్ల చెట్టు

My love, you're a tree so fair, With moods that shift with seasons in the air, Each one unique, just like the fruits you bear, And with each change, my heart's left in a snare.

In spring, you're like the blossoms bright,
Your joyous laughter fills me with delight,
And as the summer sun warms your sight,
Your love is like a fruit so sweet and right.

But autumn comes, and so does change,
Your mood swings bring my heart within range, Of love that's tested, but never estranged, For even in winter, your heart's fire remains.

So let the seasons come and go, For I'll love you more than you could know,Your every mood is like a seed that grows,Into a love that forever flows.


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కలలు ఎక్కువయ్యి ఏ నిదురలో దాచాలో తెలియకుంది, కాస్త చోటు ఇస్తావా నాతో నీ నిదురని పంచుకుంటావా... ❤️